Monday, 7 September 2020

How to Fix the Red Ring of Death Error

 How to Fix the Red Ring of Death Error


 Your Xbox 360 stopped working, and now you need to find out how to fix the red ring of death more than ever before. I'm not even going to try to picture your shocked face, because I know that look, and it's a scary sight. I mean it's just sitting there, not helping you or anybody. You love your Xbox but it just quit on you. You bought it to help you deal with boredom and to play Call of Duty IV Modern Warfare online with your friends, but now it won't work and you don't even know what to do with yourself and your time anymore, and you really need a quick Xbox 360 fix.

I got the 3 red lights and I didn't know the first thing about how to go about getting it fixed. So the first thing I did was ask my friends how I could fix it. They asked me if my fingers are still working, and I said yes, then they asked how come I haven't typed it into Google yet. Yea that's pretty much their answer for everything, so I went to Google and I found some pretty useful information on how to fix the red ring of death.

I learned that other people have had this problem as well and sent it in to Microsoft, and that seems to be the best solution for how to fix the red ring of death; but they didn't get their console back until months later. But if you're like me, you don't have that kind of time to waste doing nothing. Meanwhile, during my research, I picked up some helpful solutions to keep your Xbox running so that you won't need an Xbox 360 fix in the first place. For example, make sure its getting enough fresh air because it gets really hot. And keep it off the ground so that cool air can go into the vents. These tips were going to help keep my system from going bad but I needed a solution for how to fix it after it had already malfunctioned.

So I continued searching for other alternatives until I discovered that there were actually guides on how to deal with this kind of problem. These Xbox 360 fix guides were made by professionals who know how Microsoft products work. So I decided to look into this option because there was no way I was going to pay over $140 to send it in to Microsoft and wait for months hoping that they have actually "fixed" it.

Tips For Fixing Your Xbox 360

1) As soon as you get the red lights, turn off your console for a while and let it cool down.

2) After making sure that all the cords are properly attached try it again. And If you still get the red lights, proceed to step 3.

3) At this point, you can open up your console to see if the connection to the power supply is loose or off. But if you are not comfortable with opening up your console or don't have any tools you can employ a temporary fix called the towel trick.

4) The reason why the towel trick works as a temporary fix is because after some time one of the solder joints which connect the chips to the mother board becomes cracked so you have to find a way to solder it back on, but most people don't have solder equipment.

5) This is where the towel trick comes in, gently wrap your Xbox in a big cotton towel while your Xbox 360 is still running. Let it run for about 10 mins then turn it off.

6) This causes the solder joints to melt and form a proper connection once again without you having to open up the box, or get a soldering equipment. But remember that this is a temporary fix and you will still need a final solution. With this technique you can squeeze out another 30 mins to 10hrs of playtime before the 3 red lights show up again.

7) You might be able to extend that time if you keep the Xbox well cooled and out in the open. And make sure that there is nothing obstructing the vents from getting air.

Always remember to be careful when doing this because overheating any electronic device is not the best idea. And that is why you shouldn't keep using the towel method, you need a permanent Xbox 360 fix. I decided to get some professional assistance so i got my hands on about 3 Xbox 360 fix guides, and they showed me the proper way to solve the situation for good. It involves opening up your Xbox 360 so you should get accustomed to that, or ask one of your techie friends to help you out. In less than 2 hours of following the guide you would have learned how to fix the red ring of death.

Long story short, my Xbox is back online, and I never thought I could miss it that much. And boy that was a long week. I found 3 different products that claimed to be able to fix my Xbox but only one of them did the trick. So check out this guide on how to fix the red ring of death [] to see more details about how I tested those 3 different guides. If your Xbox is damaged you can just copy what I did to get my console working again

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